Sunday, January 26, 2025

Young Adi's LEGACY


2 Timothy 2:4

King James Version

4 No man that warreth 

entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; 

that he may please him 

who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

He was a young musician, interested in electronic music.

Perhaps, to go to Mexico, and pursue it further.

But GOD had other plans for him.

In the most honorable way for GOD, and country.

But in the most painful way for his family.

Adi Leon joined the Israeli army at age 18.

As most young men his age do.

It is mandatory, considering the challenges Israel faces each day.

And then 7 October 2023 happened

He fought through Givati Brigade.

He was just 20.

Was it a premonition, or something?

Young IDF soldier Adi kept a notebook.

He wrote on the cover:

"To be read in the event of my death."

He wrote stuff like:

"I am heading into this war with the knowledge that I may not return..."

"We have no other country, now it's my turn to defend it..."

"This is what my parents taught me."

Sadly, Adi perished on 30 October 2023.

His notebook became his legacy.

His parents, Amir and Nurit, together with IDF, and Israel, incorporated his letter into IDF's moral and values training lessons.

His life, courage, and beliefs live on.

Giving other young soldiers something to think about, hope for, fight for, and live for.

A young life well-lived.

An ancient nation well-defended.

That's Adi and Israel, the apple of GOD's eye.

Interviewer Yair Pinto, Director of Operations of TBN Israel, says of Israel's enemies:

"We are fighting for life. 

They are fighting for death."

Every soldier who dies, in defense of Israel, is surely with JESUS now.

The LORD knew what His people would go through.

This is what He said:

John 15:18

King James Version

18 If the world hate you, 

ye know that it hated me 

before it hated you.

We honor Adi Leon, his family, Israel, the IDF, TBN Israel, and every soldier who offers their life to save GOD's holy nation.

May GOD give you the strength, courage, and protection you need!

In JESUS Name.


Related material:

A NOTE for YOUNG people

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

Image from TBN Israel video: 

SACRIFICE & STRENGTH Drives IDF Onward In COURAGEOUS Defense of Their Nation | TBN Israel

Young Adi's LEGACY

  2 Timothy 2:4 King James Version 4 No man that warreth  entangleth himself  with the affairs of this life;  that he may please him  who ha...